Vsebina/Contents |
Grant H. Lundberg (Provo), Tom Priestly (Alberta)
Pitch Oppositions in Sele: Slovene Tone Loss in Austrian Carinthia
Marc L. Greenberg (Lawrence) |
Prekmurje Grammar as a Source of Slavic Comparative Material
Marko Snoj (Ljubljana) |
Slovene Place Names with the Suffix ‑ina: Some Difficult Cases and Implications for South Slavic Onomastics

Natalija Ulčnik (Maribor) |
Vpliv Agustičeve publicistične dejavnosti na razvoj knjižne prekmurščine
Varja Cvetko Orešnik (Ljubljana), Janez Orešnik (Ljubljana) |
Slovenski oziralni odvisniki v naravni skladnji
Andreja Žele (Ljubljana) |
Predponsk/o obraziln/e vrednosti pri glagolih
Elena Savalieva (Szombathely) |
Glagoli premikanja v frazemih slovenskega knjižnega jezika
Mojca Stritar (Ljubljana) |
Slovene as a Foreign Language: The Pilot Learner Corpus Perspective
Biljana Božinovski (Ljubljana) |
The Language of the Stock Exchange – A Contrastive Analysis of the Lexis
Eva Sicherl (Ljubljana) |
The English Suffix ‑wise and its Productivity from the Non-Native-Speaker Perspective