7 (2009)

Banff conference paper označuje referate, predstavljene na 16. bienalnem Simpoziju o balkanistiki in južnoslovanskih študijah v Banffu (Alberta) 1.–4. maj 2008 Razprave o neslovenskih temah so objavljene v posebni številki revije Balkanistica, ki jo izdaja Društvo za študij južnovzhodne Evrope

Banff conference paper indicates papers delivered at the 16th biennial Balkan and South Slavic Conference in Banff, Alberta, 1–4 May 2008. Papers on non-Slovene topics appear in a special volume of Balkanistica, published by the Southeast European Studies Association

Grant H. Lundberg (Provo),
Tom Priestly (Alberta)
Pitch Oppositions in Sele: Slovene Tone Loss in Austrian Carinthia Open PDF abstract and citation info Banff conference paper
Marc L. Greenberg (Lawrence) Prekmurje Grammar as a Source of Slavic Comparative Material Open PDF abstract and citation info Banff conference paper
Marko Snoj (Ljubljana) Slovene Place Names with the Suffix ‑ina: Some Difficult Cases and Implications for South Slavic Onomastics Open PDF abstract and citation info Banff conference paper
Natalija Ulčnik (Maribor) Vpliv Agustičeve publicistične dejavnosti na razvoj knjižne prekmurščine Open PDF abstract and citation info
Varja Cvetko Orešnik (Ljubljana), Janez Orešnik (Ljubljana) Slovenski oziralni odvisniki v naravni skladnji Open PDF abstract and citation info
Andreja Žele (Ljubljana) Predponsk/o obraziln/e vrednosti pri glagolih Open PDF abstract and citation info
Elena Savalieva (Szombathely) Glagoli premikanja v frazemih slovenskega knjižnega jezika Open PDF abstract and citation info
Mojca Stritar (Ljubljana) Slovene as a Foreign Language: The Pilot Learner Corpus Perspective Open PDF abstract and citation info
Biljana Božinovski (Ljubljana) The Language of the Stock Exchange – A Contrastive Analysis of the Lexis Open PDF abstract and citation info
Eva Sicherl (Ljubljana) The English Suffix ‑wise and its Productivity from the Non-Native-Speaker Perspective Open PDF abstract and citation info